Albert the Bold 1443-1500 Duke of Saxony from Receuil des Estampes representant les Rangs et les Dignites suivant le Costume de toutes les Nations existantes
Lorenzo Ganganelli Pope Clement XIV
Next paintings
Lorenzo Ganganelli Pope Clement XIV
Dress of a Breton Warrior
Dress of a Swiss Magistrate
Louis II 4th prince of Conde
Wife of Kang Tsi from Recuil des Estampes epresentant les Rangs et les Dignites suivant le Costume de toutes les ations existantes
Hyu Chen wife of Genghis Khan
A Pictish Woman
Henri IV King of France
Thomas Howard 1473-1554 3rd Duke of Norfolk
Confucius 551-479 BC
Most popular paintings
Nude Girl on a Panther Skin 1844
Monastery Graveyard In The Snow
A Human Skeleton
Little Red Riding Hood 1862
General Stonewall Jackson at the First Battle of Bull Run 17th August 1861
Stormy sea with Lighthouse
Nightmare (The Incubus) 1781-82
Female Nude Bound
Napoleon Bonaparte
Robert Fulton's (1765-1815) steamboat the Clermont, on the Hudson River, New York, 1861