An Ideal Lord Mayors Show with Cars emblematically representing our principal Colonies and some of their most important productions with birds animals and tribes indigenous to those Countries
A Nile Village
The Flight of the Khalifa after his Defeat at the Battle of Omdurman
Tombs of the Khalifs Cairo
Lake in North Africa
A Hunter
Moonlight at Karnak
Portrait of Alexander Serov 1820-71
Most popular paintings
Nude Girl on a Panther Skin 1844
Monastery Graveyard In The Snow
A Human Skeleton
Little Red Riding Hood 1862
General Stonewall Jackson at the First Battle of Bull Run 17th August 1861
Stormy sea with Lighthouse
Nightmare (The Incubus) 1781-82
Female Nude Bound
Napoleon Bonaparte
Robert Fulton's (1765-1815) steamboat the Clermont, on the Hudson River, New York, 1861