Title: Hyder Khan, the Governor of Ghuznee, plate 19 from Scenery, Inhabitants and Costumes of Afghanistan, engraved by Walker, 1848
Painted by: (after) Rattray, James
Year: 1848
Orientation: Portrait
Ad: Order a Hyder Khan, the Governor of Ghuznee, plate 19 from Scenery, Inhabitants and Costumes of Afghanistan, engraved by Walker, 1848 by (after) Rattray, James Reproduction
Chief Executioner and Assistant of His Majesty the Late Shah, plate 14 from Scenery, Inhabitants and Costumes of Afghanistan, engraved by Robert Carrick fl.1845 1848
Encampment of the Kandahar Army under General Nott, outside the walls of Caubul, on the evacuation of Afghanistan by the British, plate 5 from Scenery, Inhabitants and Costumes of Afghanistan, engraved by R. Carrick c.1829-1904, 1848